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Surrender To Spirituality spiritual

The other day my mum couldn't find the dog lead 


I don't know about anyone else's mum but my mum prays to St. Athony when she loses things.


I’ve thought about this prayer so deeply. I used to roll my eyes when she said that, I used to think  ‘she's a bloody...

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Whos Making Your Decisions? spiritual

‘I love my boyfriend but there is an age gap ’


‘I feel like my friends will judge me for the guy i'm seeing, he's not what they would expect me to be ’


‘I have this business idea but i'm afraid  of what people will think ‘

Your ego cares...

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Living In Your Pupose Is Hard spiritual



I believe we are all unique I put here on earth for a divine purpose


The uniqueness is inscribed in 3 ways;

The one-of-a-kind DNA

The particular way our brain is wired

All our individual life experiences that are unlike any others


By our nature we crave a sense of...

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How to Manifest spiritual

‘Im Fed up with not getting the job!’


A woman messaged me this above sentence and I was inspired to write this email and thought I could help ease the pain and help guide her thoughts.


All I hear in this sentence is resistance, resistance to the universe...

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I deleted Instagram spiritual

I've been deleting instagram for a long time, I delete instagram everyday day for 3-4 hours while i study/read and work and then i delete it again around 10pm-11pm at night until after 10am in the morning

I noticed a long time ago i would wake up and check my phone and get this uneasy feeling...

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Welcome quarantine relationship spiritual

Yes I finally have a website!

You will have to bare with me as Im doing it all myself and I’m not the best with computers , I am actually pretty proud of my little site so far , You can probably see from my menu bar that I have plenty more to come including my Agony Aunt column, Im going to...

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Resistance and your Body spiritual

For years I never accepted my body I always wanted more , I wanted to look like others, I wanted a 6 pack, I wanted a bigger bum.

But all your doing is causing pain and resistance, and your body will pick up on it! Trust me!

When you fully accept your body how it is you just end your suffering...

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The 2 Minute Rule spiritual

So when you’ve been out of a habit for a while you can’t just just back in full force or you’ll be disheartened. 

The thought of going to the gym yesterday after 2 weeks off and doing a full leg session was actually stopping me from going so I decided to apply the 2 minute...

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