
Make Therapy Cool
I was actually ordered by my therapist to throw myself a birthday party this year, I have never been one to celebrate my birthday. My therapist reminded me that I deserve to be celebrated so I need to throw myself a party.
Every year I never make a deal and...
To be a good friend you must inspect your own thoughts.
I want you to reflect today on how good a friend you are. I want you to dig deep and figure this out.
First thing I want you to ask yourself is do you truly listen to your friends ?
Are you listening or are you waiting for them...
Us, Irish have a rep of being heavy drinkers… and it wouldn’t be wrong.
This weekend the pubs were open for the first time in 3 months so of course, we all fled to them. I wish I could say I visited the local for the opening night and that was it, but I basically moved in...
‘I will read that book when I’m in a better state of mind’
‘I will do that course when I have more time’
‘I will do that workout when I feel good’
‘I will meditate when I’m in a better place’
Mark Manson sent an email today ( If you are not on his mailing list get on it!) One of the questions he asked himself today was;
What’s the best thing that has ever happened to me?
He goes on to describe how the pandemic as tragic as it was, it was one of the best things that...
Person 1
‘Oh isn't is great this weather, we are so lucky we have this weather that we can sit out in our gardens and have nice walks’
Person 2
‘Typical! The weather is nice when we can't go anywhere !’
We must mind our language as our children will pick up on...
So, I'm back in Dublin now after 8 weeks isolated in the country with my parents. I guess I will be here now for the foreseeable, which I'm pretty happy about. I love dublin, I love how friendly everyone is and I always say I’m super aligned walking around the city.
As an extrovert,...
My dog is very ill at the moment, he is 14.5 years old (the little cutie) He can barely use his two back legs but whenever he sees the cat outside he makes a run for him.
Why does my dog do this when he is so unable and after is in such pain ?
Because unlike us humans, he...
Stop telling yourself you're going to do the workout later? read the book later? do the course later?
Take action now, write down exactly what you're going to do tomorrow in a schedule and hold yourself to this schedule. Tell someone your schedule or get someone to do it with you so become...
Don’t be scared to live,
It's what we are here for.
I see a number of people fearing to share their gifts;
Great Singers afraid of singing
Great make-up artists afraid of doing tutorials
Great writers afraid to showcase their work
Great personal trainers afraid to do...
I keep seeing the word “Bored’ all day as people are now self-isolating.
I want to tell you why I removed this word from my vocabulary
I haven't said ‘I'm bored’ in 2 years
I decided to always be a student every day, there is always something new to learn each day...
‘ No, I couldn't do what she does’
‘ I would love to do that,but it's not in my nature’
The only thing holding you back from your dream, is your own belief that you don't deserve it.
We are all made up of the same substances and we are all wired with...